With effect from 14 February 2025, the margin interest rate has been adjusted to 6.8%. Please click here to view details.


Retirement Planning

According to the Census and Statistics Department1, the average expectation of life at birth in Hong Kong is 82 for males and 88 for females. You might spend 20 to 30 years in retirement. But how will you make sure this one-third of your life is joyful? The key is to plan ahead. First, you need to answer these three important questions.

Can I Maintain My Lifestyle in Retirement?

There is no need to slow down in retirement. You could travel the world, or pursue a new hobby. However, retirement these days is expensive. Although you have a reserve, it is not easy to sustain the new lifestyle you want without a steady stream of income.

We help you plan ahead and enjoy your ideal retirement lifestyle with a steady income.

Can I Afford Medical Care in the Future?

As you age, the chance to suffer from age-related diseases, e.g. cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, etc., increases. Therefore, you need to take into account the medical expenses in retirement. In recent years, public health care system has become overburdened due to the ageing population. When you face illness, which one will you choose, a public hospital which requires you to wait a few years for treatment, or a private hospital with a quick treatment but a very high cost?

We help you plan ahead and make the best choices for your health care in retirement.

How Will I Pass on Wealth to the Next Generation?

Your wealth is precious and should last, because you have worked hard for most of your life to accumulate it. You want to pass on your wealth to the future generations, to ensure they live comfortably. However, wealth succession may involve many people and complications. How will you make sure you pass on your wealth in the way you want?

We provide you with comprehensive wealth planning services, helping you leave a lasting legacy for your loved ones.

  1Census and Statistics Department - Demographics

Our Services

Our Financial Advisor and a team of specialists offer a fully customised retirement plan tailored to your needs.

  • Financial Needs Analysis
  • Annuity Plan
  • Retirement Savings
  • Medical Protection
  • Tax Deduction Scheme
  • MPF
  • Investment-Linked Assurance Scheme
  • Wealth Succession

Customer Service

 Hong Kong: (852) 2663 8888
       China: (86) 400 816 3368

 WhatsApp: (852) 6398 7597

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